concierge standing behind a desk

Induction Ceremony Guidelines

Room Set-Up:

Induction Ceremony Guidelines

The ceremony will take place in the Owner’s lounge or Social Room in the Club or Residences or small meeting space in the hotel. The room is set up theater-style with a screen and podium. Refreshments and light snacks are available. The International Society of Residential Concierge Induction Ceremony Presentation is on the screen.

Food & Beverage:

Logo Owl Cookies, refreshments and light snacks.


A customized invitation is created through MIStudio and delivered to the following groups: Owners, Board Members, Guidance team members and fellow Residences team members.

3 or 4 slides: Welcome, Speech, History of ISRC and Why, Symbol, only a select few.

Ceremony Facilitators: Director of Residences / Residences GM, Board President and in Co-Located properties, the Hotel General Manager. Script: Name Speakers Below:


Membership in The International Society of Residential Concierge is composed of Residences Concierge who have declared an interest in the career and who have achieved a high level of service excellence. Twice annually, the International Society of Residential Concierge inducts nominees into its Membership. These are Residential Concierge that have earned the right to be recognized as a leader in the industry and among their peers.

The Society was created with the following principles in mind:

  • To create structure around the expectations for an elite group of Residential Concierge.
  • To recognize, foster and reward outstanding service.
  • To stimulate interest in the field of Residences Concierge and to encourage longevity in the position.
  • To promote and encourage professional development among Residential Concierge.
  • To provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas
  • To establish and maintain close relationships with other Residential Concierge

A modern, forward thinking and different brand, The International Society of Residential Concierge may be likened to Les Clefs d’Or but for the Concierge in a Residential setting.

Residential Concierge are at the heart of The Society and those who are being inducted have demonstrated their commitment to service excellence, Owner engagement and their fellow associates. It’s their hard work and dedication during every interaction that leaves a lasting impression. Members are committed to their personal growth and prioritize service excellence by not only meeting but surpassing The Society’s eligibility requirements. They provide guidance and advice, they build trust with co-workers, Owners and vendors and they inspire other concierge to explore options they didn’t know where possible. Only the very best received membership.

Each new inductee can proudly wear the Owl Pin they are about to receive, as indication in their membership in The International Society of Residential Concierge.

The symbol of the Owl embodies wisdom and finesse. A wise observer. A strong sense of integrity. Naturally kind and thoughtful. Insightful, intuitive and conscientious to the point of being perfectionists.

Perhaps most of all, the owl symbol speaks to an inquisitive mind. The kind of mind that sees the value of continuous learning and how that accumulated knowledge can be best deployed to significantly enhance the lives of their Owners and residents.

The owl also represents the notion of steadfast commitment - a relentless devotion to completing the task in hand and anticipating what needs to be done next. In its purest form, the art of anticipation - thinking, hearing and listening for what is needed and desired before it is even requested.

Together these owl-like qualities are the bedrock of strong, lasting relationships with Owners. The kind of relationships that give Owners back two essential things - the luxury of time and peace of mind.

The Board President and the General Manager should be at the front of the room, ready to place the pin on the newly inducted Residences Concierge as well as present them with their Box which includes a program brochure and pen.

The Society’s Board of Directors reviewed INSERT NAME’s application and unanimously agreed to approve his Membership. As a newly inducted member of The International Society of Residential Concierge, repeat after me:

FACILITATOR: I accept the challenge to maintain service excellence and the highest level of personal services and facilities throughout my career as a Residential Concierge.

FACILITATOR: I agree to abide by The Society’s Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Professional Standards along with all of the other requirements for a INSERT SOCIETY LEVEL Level Member.

FACILITATOR: I promise to serve as an example of achievement in excellence and leadership set forth by the organization. INDUCTEE REPEATS

FACILITATOR: And I promise to work toward the achievement of the goals as set forth by the organization. INDUCTEE REPEATS

FACILITATOR: I now present to you the newest member of the International Society of Residential Concierge. Welcome and Congratulations! GM presents and pins the Owl Pin on the concierge’s lapel.